A black bear hamster feels more comfortable in a cage or terrarium. The great advantage of having a cage instead of a terrarium is that it is more portable and a front opening for easy access. You can also bring a cage, if you travel for a longer time. On the other hand, prevents a glass box like a terrarium limits the bad habits of your hamster and to throw a little 'things from its environment. A terrarium provides a quieterProtection for your pet, why not do as distracted by the activities of people to his cabinet.
Depending on the size of the black bear hamster, be sure to run your precious pet has enough space to dig. A reasonable range by at least 16 inches by 24 inches and 24 inches tall. Remember that even if they are strongly encouraged to interact with the hamster from the cage and play with it, your pet should not be left out of hisLiving environment for too long, because you may lose (the little creatures can be very fast!).
For the ambitious, try building your hamster a unit. Before you begin this adventure, be sure to check with your local pet shop on appropriate materials, you must use. For example, softwood plywood and are not suitable, because the adhesive resin and hamsters are extremely toxic. A good alternative is to use a standard water-solublewhite wood glue. Solid wood, such as birch and beech are usually advised by experts in the pet store informed.
To create a warm, cover the inside of the lounge with lots of wood waste (pet stores should be able to recommend the most appropriate material and towns). Coat the floor with litter habitat is a resounding no, no, because hamsters gnaw and eat the pieces, which damages teeth. Just like people, like clean their living space hamsterand remember correctly, so do some non-domestic hamsters, at least every two days.
While the interior habitat hamster is the most important factor to get right, it is also important to ensure that the environment of the cage or terrarium, well lit and has a constant, moderate temperatures (preferably between 18 and 26 C). Remember that hamsters can not be too much heat and are also particularly sensitive to air currents.
Now that you know what makes your life situation, black bearHamster happy, do a quick checklist and put in your pocket for easy reference during your next visit to the pet store.
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